Hints & Tips

keep solid wood floor clean during lockdown

Tips to keep your wooden floor clean in lockdown

As we find ourselves in a situation where we’re spending more time than ever in our homes. This brings with it an uplift in the amount of traffic throughout houses, including shoes, slippers, paws and whatever else it is you have running around the house. With this extra traffic comes potentially increased damage to flooring, particularly if you have wooden floors in your home. With this in mind, we’ve put together our tips on keeping your wooden floor in top shape during lockdown:

Regular light cleaning 

By regularly sweeping your wooden floors with a soft bristled broom you can ensure those pesky bits of dirt and grit don’t accumulate on your floor. Regular vacuuming (with a soft bristled attachment if you have one) is also an efficient method of looking after the health of your floor.

Use floor mats 

With an increased amount of foot traffic in your home, it could be worth investing in floor mats or small rugs in entrance ways or various places around the house. These help catch any dirt or mud at the door, preventing it being carried across the floors and around the house.

Limit shoes

As we remain in lockdown and the weather heats up, people are naturally spending more time in gardens. So it can be tempting to keep your shoes on when just nipping indoors to fetch the garden shears or BBQ tongs. Whilst it is a durable flooring choice, wooden floors can dent easily if someone walks across in heavy shoes. Always make an effort to remove any shoes before you walk across wooden floors.

Groom your pets 

Over time, scrapes and scratches on wooden flooring can soon appear. So remember to keep your pet’s claws trimmed down to help prevent these.


Whilst it can be an effective way to clean spillages and other contaminants off wooden flooring. Mopping can also be damaging to it too. Always ensure you ring your mop out well before using it on any wooden floor.

If you’d like any more information on keeping your wooden flooring in top condition, or any flooring type for that matter. Get in touch with the team here at Wilmac.

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